We have made some specifications about the location and nomenclature of the branches belonging to the optic tracts and two nuclei also related to the visual system (the nucleus Commissura Posterior and the nucleus pretectalis periventricularis pars dorsalis).
These centers are located between anterior edge of Commissura Posterior and about 180 microns in front of posterior edge of corpus callosum.
The other patient had two big squamous papillomata 3.5 by 3.5 cm and 0.5 cm thick situated on both sides of Commissura Posterior.
The author reports on the methods and results of the last 10 years in the treatment of pseudo-paralysis caused by the adhesions and scars in the interary region and in the Commissura Posterior-bilateral vocal cord paralysis and severe scarred laryngeal stenoses. 4 patients were treated by an endolaryngeal approach for scarred adhesions developing in the interary region or in the Commissura Posterior.
Additional immunoreactive neurons appeared in the nucleus dorsolateralis thalami (ndl) at the level of the Commissura Posterior (cp).
As it was not always possible to localize the commissura anterior, the anterior border of the recessus preopticus was chosen to determine, together with the Commissura Posterior, the reference horizontal plane. The antero-posterior coordinates were counted from the anterior border of the Commissura Posterior.
Intensely SRIFi neurons occurred in the nucleus entopeduncularis, in the nucleus preaeopticus, and in the nucleus dorsolateralis between the Commissura Posterior and the nucleus glomerulosus, the latter two structures being completely devoid of immunoreactive elements.
A group of cells, situated ventral to the Commissura Posterior; 2.
Between C1 and C6 or C7 the three dorsal layers on either side of the gray matter were confluent at the Commissura Posterior grisea in shrews of both sexes.
c) Crossing the Commissura Posterior and the Commissura suprachiasmatica, efferent fibres reach the contralateral Cglv, the Regio praetectalis and the Colliculus superior.
The fetus at gestational days 18-19 (17-26-mm embryos) showed a remarkable increase in the number of SRIF-positive cells and numerous groups of such cells are detectable in various forebrain and diencephalic areas such as the hypothalamic periventricular zone, zona incerta, area lateral to the Commissura Posterior (ACP), area between the optic tract and capsula interna, pars retrolenticularis (AOR), n.
Substance P-positive structures first appeared in the primordium of the epithalamus and the area which surrounded the Commissura Posterior of the rat fetus corresponding to gestational day 14 (10-12 mm embryos).
These areas are the area just lateral to the Commissura Posterior, the area between the optic tract and capsula interna, pars retrolenticularis and n.
These neurons lie near the Commissura Posterior and extend their dendrites into the visual pretectal neuropil.
They include a descending pathway along the tractus tegmentalis centralis, a caudal pathway entering the corpus medullaris cerebellaris via the lateral wall and roof of ventriculus quartus, and an ascending pathway along the tractus tegmentalis centralis giving off branches to the Commissura Posterior, tractus habenulo-interpeduncularis, centrum medianum and n.
We established a formula and a table to determine in the plain X-ray the entrance of the foramen of Monroi with a standard deviation of +/- 1.5 mm and the inclination of the intracerebral basic line we used (foramen Monroi-Commissura Posterior).
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