We showed that the temporal pattern of angiogenesis differs in Layer IVC alpha and IVC beta.
The percentage of Zif268-immunopositive neurons was highest in layer IVC beta and lowest in Layer IVC alpha.
The columns were much clearer in Layer IVC alpha (magno-receiving) than IVc beta (parvo-receiving).
The data suggest that only 1.3-1.9% of the excitatory, or asymmetric synapses in Layer IVC alpha of striate cortex are provided by the neurons of the magnocellular layers of the LGN. This amounts to only 18-40 of the 1000-2100 asymmetric synapses that the average Layer IVC alpha neuron receives. This is regardless of whether the neuron lies in Layer IVC alpha or in IVC beta. This calculation suggests that a single axonal plexus provides not more than one or two of the excitatory synapses received by an individual Layer IVC alpha neuron, and between one and eight excitatory synapses for a layer IVC beta neuron.
Layer IVC alpha in the neonate exhibited a higher level of activity and amount of CO than the central portion of IVc beta, which contained a dense aggregate of small neurons.
Clusters of cells protrude upward from superficial layer IVB and occupy the central core regions of the cytochrome oxidase (CO)-stained honeycomb in layer IVA, while large neurons typical of layer IVB are distributed in irregular clusters in the subjacent Layer IVC alpha.
Layer IVC alpha of area 17 contained more varicosities per unit area than any other sublayer.
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