AT(1) receptor binding and AT(1A) and AT(1B) mRNAs were especially prominent in Ventral horn motor neurons, and in the DRG neuronal cells.
These were found mainly in the dorsal horn and around the central canal of every spinal segment, with a few scattered neurons located in the Ventral horn of both cervical and lumbar regions. In addition, NADPH-d cells located in the Ventral horn had a larger cell body, especially in lumbar segments.
Gray matter damage was assessed on the basis of the number of normal neurons in the Ventral horn.
Interestingly, despite a decline in MUNE at this age, no changes were detected in choline acetyl transferase (ChAT) positive motor neuron number in the Ventral horn of the lumbar spinal cord.
CONCLUSION: We estimated the recovery of 5-HT transporter and 5-HT neural elements in lumbosacral Ventral horn by ranking 5-HT transporter and 5-HT staining intensity and counting 5-HT and 5-HT transporter terminals. The return of 5-HT transporter and 5-HT immunoreactivity of the lumbosacral Ventral horn correlated with locomotor recovery, while 5-HT transporter showed closer relationship with locomotor recovery than 5-HT.
We show that most retrogradely labeled INs are located dorsal to the MNs, in the Ventral horn, the intermediate zone and the dorsal horn. CINs are located on average more medially than the IINs in the Ventral horn and intermediate zone.
Gene chip analysis of the denervated Ventral horn revealed changes in particular for growth factors, adhesion and guidance molecules, as well as components of synapse formation suggesting an important role for these factors in activity-dependent intraspinal reorganization after unilateral CST injury..
Here, EAE induced marked astrocytic, microglial, and macrophage activation in the Ventral horn gray matter, without any motoneuron loss. Activated caspase-3 was also increased in the Ventral horn gray matter.
Pudendal motoneurons are located in the Ventral horn of the caudal lumbar spinal cord and innervate striated pelvic muscles implicated in sexual and eliminative functions.
As the neurofilaments involved in immune-mediated spinal cord Ventral horn motor neuron degeneration and loss, we developed immune-mediated motor neuron injury animal model by inoculating Lewis rats with swine spinal cord homogenate and investigated the ultrastructural features of neurofilament accumulation using transmission electron microscopy.
We also demonstrated rAAV-GAD65 as a successful gene delivery vehicle in a chronic pain model by administrating rAAV-GAD65 to DRGs because GABA driven by GAD is a major inhibitory neurotransmitter in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord and also plays an important role in the Ventral horn.
When transplanted in the injured adult rat spinal cord, a model of acute motor neuron degeneration, the engineered precursors transiently proliferated, colonized the Ventral horn, expressed motor neuron-specific differentiation markers, and projected cholinergic axons in the ventral root.
Interneuronal networks in the spinal Ventral horn are plausible substrates for mediating anesthetic-induced immobility. The results suggest that in the spinal Ventral horn thiopental acts mostly, but not exclusively, via GABA(A) receptors.
In the first part we show that AChE is abundant in Ventral horn neurons, central canal-adjacent and partition neurons in all the observed segments (L2, L5, S1, and S2).
The crises and clinical scores were completely abolished in the animals of the first group, but not in the animals belonging to the second group; 2) the degree of leukocyte infiltration varied, depending on the different EAE stages, but was not related to the clinical score; and 3) after using anti-conjugated methionine antibodies, we observed immunoreactivity only in the motoneurons of the Ventral horn of the spinal cord in the animals of the first group.
As a measure of glutamatergic excitation, we have studied the acetylcholine (ACh) release induced by N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptor stimulation in primary cultured rat Ventral horn spinal neurons and we have evaluated the possibility to limit the consequences of the hyperactivation of glutamatergic receptors, by recruiting the inhibitory transmission mediated by GABA and glycine.
Botulinum toxin A (20 U) significantly decreased inflammatory cell accumulation, and cyclooxygenase-2 expression in the prostate, Ventral horn and dorsal horn of the L6 spinal cord (93.5%, 89.4%, 90.5% and 77.5%, respectively).
Despite a preponderance of the injury in the Ventral horn of the spinal cord, motor impairment did not occur (P > 0.05).
In Ventral horn and IML, immunoreactivity for AT1 and choline acetyltransferase co-localized in pre-ganglionic sympathetic and somatic motor neurons.
In addition, double immunofluorescence revealed a colocalization between reactive astrocytes and immunoreactivities for neurocan and phosphacan, especially around residual large Ventral horn neurons.
We found that microglia showed a uniform distribution throughout the CNS, and peripheral nerve injury selectively activated microglia in the spinal cord dorsal horn and related Ventral horn.
By immunohistochemical evaluation, large motor neurons in the Ventral horn were immunopositive for TTC. High power magnification of the Ventral horn of spinal cord gray matter samples showed TTC immunoreactivity in motor neuron axons and cell bodies, using a confocal laser scanning microscope.
While astrocytes proliferated in the lumbar spinal cord Ventral horn of both disease models, they represented only a small percentage of the dividing population in the SOD1(G93A) spinal cord.
In the nervous system, PTV antigens were found in the cytoplasm of neuronal cells and glial cells distributed in the spinal Ventral horn and brain stem, and also in the cytoplasm of ganglion cells in the spinal ganglion.
Some interneurons that were rhythmically activated during both swimming and scratching had axon terminal arborizations in the Ventral horn of the hindlimb enlargement, indicating their likely contribution to hindlimb motor outputs during both behaviors.
Double labelling with the neuronal marker, NeuN, showed that PNNs were present surrounding approximately 30% of motoneurons in the Ventral horn, 50% of large interneurons in the intermediate grey and 20% of neurons in the dorsal horn.
Long-lasting iNOS inhibition decreased Ca2+-independent NOS activity, but caused motor neuron degeneration and mediated small necrotic foci in the ventrolateral portion of the Ventral horn.
Unlike untrained mice, exercised mice showed decreased muscle atrophy, increased axonal regrowth and collateral sprouting proximal to the lesion site, with maintenance of synaptic markers on motor neurons in the Ventral horn.
About 40% of the MPTA neurons that project to the lumbar spinal cord also have collaterals at cervical levels, and about 60% of those with projections to the Ventral horn also have projections to the dorsal horn (at cervical levels).
In Ventral horn, the expression of SSeCKS underwent a temporal pattern that was similar with the whole spinal cord in both mRNA and protein level.
Cx36 punctate immunostaining was detected in the majority of ChAT-immunoreactive (-ir) neurons from lamina VII [ intermediolateral cell column (IML) and intercalated cell group (IC)], lamina X [ central autonomic nucleus (CA)] and in Ventral horn neurons from laminae VIII and IX.
Objective To investigate changes of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and its synthesis rate-limiting enzyme tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) in the Ventral horn of spinal cord after exercise-induced fatigue, and to further discuss the mechanism of exercise-induced central fatigue at spinal level. Immunohistochemical staining for 5-HT and TPH in the Ventral horn were performed and analysized quantitatively. Conclusion 5-HT and TPH in the Ventral horn of spinal cord might be involved in exercise-induced fatigue..
STUDY DESIGN: Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were performed from the Ventral horn neurons obtained from the rat spinal cord slices. METHODS: Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were performed from Ventral horn neurons obtained from the spinal cord slices. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that hypothermia reduces the excitatory synaptic activities and ischemic neuronal death in the spinal Ventral horn.
Furthermore, L-DOPA-induced PAG608 expression on motor neurons in the contralateral side of the Ventral horn of the spinal cord and the lateral corticospinal tract without cell loss.
RESULTS: In the ipsilateral Ventral horn, slight astroglial activations were seen after PBS or SC injections, however, a substantial activation was achieved after cord extract injection in the sciatic nerve reservoir.
Injection of the physiologically defined, macaque cMRF demonstrated that this spinoreticular projection originates in the cervical Ventral horn, indicating it may provide the cMRF with an efference copy signal.
The immunohistological expressions of EGF and TGF-beta1 in the Ventral horn motoneurons decreased sharply at 7 dpo in the cord segments caudal to the lesion site, which was followed by an increase and a peak between 14 and 30 dpo for EGF and at 90 dpo for TGF-beta1.
A significant correlation existed between diminished neuronal loss and hind leg movement (Tarlov score) and demonstrates that the neurologic outcome after MgSO4 treatment was related to lower lumbar Ventral horn cell survival (r2 = 0.812, P < 0.001).
GDNF immunoreactivty in neurons in the Ventral horn of the rostral stump was stained strongly at 3 and 7 dpo, and in the caudal stump at 14 dpo, while immunostaining in astrocytes was also seen at all time-points after transection injury. GDNF mRNA-positive signals were detected in neurons of the Ventral horn, especially in lamina IX.
Likewise, most neurons that projected to the Ventral horn also had a collateral branch in the dorsal horn.
Trajectories with similar attenuation factors formed functional subunits that were arranged in distinct domains within the Ventral horn.
During the peak expression, CAPON mRNA was found in the Ventral horn, mediate zone, dorsal horn, and white matter by in situ hybridization.
To address this unmet need, we have constructed a stabilized platform capable of supporting physiologic mapping, through microelectrode recording, and cellular or viral payload delivery to the Ventral horn. RESULTS: Histologic analysis has supported our ability to achieve localization to the ipsilateral Ventral horn in the spinal cord.
NESP55-immunoreactive cells were detected in the Ventral horn, intermediate laminae, and deep dorsal horn, comprising motoneurons, autonomic neurons, and interneurons throughout all spinal segments. Nerve fibers also contained NESP55 immunoreactivity (IR) and were particularly prominent in the Ventral horn.
PTV antigens were detected in cytoplasm of nerve cells, glial cells and endothelial cells in the cerebellar nuclei, the grey matter of the midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata and the Ventral horn of the spinal cord and of ganglion cells in the spinal ganglion corresponding to those lesions characterized as non-suppurative encephalomyelitis and ganglionitis.
We found the PGD2 receptors DP1 and chemoattractant receptor homologous molecule expressed on T helper type 2 cells (CRTH2) localized in neurons of the dorsal, and motoneurons in the Ventral horn.
We showed that strong P2X(4) immunoreactivity was selectively associated with degenerating motoneurons (MNs) in spinal cord Ventral horn.
In the early inflammatory phase, US treatment significantly suppressed the increased number of c-Fos-LI neurons associated with CFA-induced arthritis in superficial laminae, nucleus proprius, deep laminae and Ventral horn of the spinal cord. However, during the late inflammatory phase, US significantly triggered c-Fos expression in most laminae, particularly in the nucleus proprius, deep laminae and Ventral horn of the spinal cord.
Using microarray technology combined with laser-captured microdissection, gene expression profiles of degenerating spinal motor neurons as well as spinal Ventral horn from autopsied patients with sporadic ALS were examined. Spinal motor neurons showed a distinct gene expression profile from the whole spinal Ventral horn. In contrast with motor neurons, the total spinal Ventral horn homogenates demonstrated 0.7% and 0.2% significant upregulation and downregulation of gene expression, respectively. In terms of spinal Ventral horn, the expression of genes related to cell surface antigens/receptors, transcription and cell adhesion/ECM were increased. The gene expression resulting in neurodegenerative and neuroprotective changes were both present in spinal motor neurons and Ventral horn. Moreover, Inflammation-related genes, such as belonging to the cytokine family were not, however, significantly upregulated in either motor neurons or Ventral horn.
RESULTS: DiI-labeled neurons distributed mainly in the left Ventral horn from L3 to L5, and some of them were also ChAT-positive.
OBJECTIVE: To explore the changes of morphology and ventricornual motor neurons in SD rats' Ventral horn of spinal cord after radiated as the therapy protocol for breast cancer, to discover the rule of radiation-induced injury of brachial plexus, and also if there exits the reversible conversion in neurons. At 3, 5, 7 and 9 weeks after the last radiation (n = 4), the wet weights of biceps brachii muscle, upper-limb circumference and compound action potential were examined; the pathological changes of biceps brachii muscle, the morphological changes, counts of the motor neurons in Ventral horn and axons of bilateral spinal cord were observed by HE staining, argentums staining and toluidine blue staining. The histological observation: Musculocutaneous nerve showed decreased medullated fibers, heterogeneous ditribution and decreased density, thin myelin sheath, damaged nerve structure and collagen hyperplasia; biceps brachii muscle showed degeneration, fiber breakage and inflammatory cell infiltration; The account of motor neurons in Ventral horn was significantly decreased in the radiation side with time extending, the sign of cell death, such as, the neurons crimple, and karyolysis were observed (P < 0.05). The account of motor neurons in Ventral horn was significantly decreased.
For the experimental group, the ventral root of C6 was reimplanted into the Ventral horn under microscope. At 12 weeks postoperatively, the silver nitrate stained specimen from the C6 nerve root showed regeneration of the motor neurons in the Ventral horn into the reimplanted nerve root through axon in the experimental group, but the degeneration of the nerve fiber appeared and the number of the myelinated nerve fiber decreased in the control group. CONCLUSION: Through reimplantation of the avulsed ventral nerve root into the Ventral horn, degeneration of the motor neurons in the Ventral horn can be reduced.
Anterogradely labeled axons arose from the site of injection, crossed the midline in the anterior commissure and arborized extensively in the contralateral Ventral horn of the spinal cord.
We hypothesized that isoflurane, halothane, and propofol would exert a greater depressant effect on nociceptive responses of Ventral horn neurons when compared with dorsal horn neurons. In a third group anesthetized with isoflurane at 0.8 MAC, we administered 5 mg/kg propofol while recording responses from dorsal horn or Ventral horn neurons. On the other hand, with increased isoflurane or halothane concentration, responses of Ventral horn neurons were depressed by 60% and 45%, respectively. Propofol profoundly depressed (>90%) Ventral horn neurons. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that, in the peri-MAC range, isoflurane, halothane, and propofol have little or no effect on neuronal responses to noxious mechanical stimulation in the spinal dorsal horn but depress such responses in the Ventral horn. Immobility produced in the 0.8-1.2 MAC range by these anesthetics appears to result from a depressant action in the Ventral horn..
Statistical analysis indicated negative correlation between the number of p27kip1 and Skp2 positive cells in the Ventral horn following the sciatic nerve lesion.
Choline acetyltransferase immunoreactive neurons were prevalent in the Ventral horns of all three fish, mainly in motoneurons, but stained fibers were only found in sturgeons and gars. In goldfish, 5-HT label was confined to the Ventral horn and TH label was mainly observed in a cell group located ventromedially.
This motor program is produced by interneurons in the Ventral horn and can be readily recorded even with in vitro spinal cord preparations isolated from rats or mice (once dorsal afferents are stimulated or excitatory neuronchemicals applied).
In the Ventral horn of the spinal cord of ALS cases we found increased uPAR staining of motor neurons.
Results After injecting 0.5 ml formalin into gallbladder, the behaviors such as grasping of the cheek and licking of the abdomen increased in 30 min, with a significant increase in pERK1/2 expression in the spinal cord, as well as the pERK1/2 immunoreactive cells located in laminae V-VII and X of the dorsal horn and Ventral horn of T6 spinal cord.
EAAT3/EAAC1 and to a lesser extent EAAT1/GLAST immunoreactivity also occurred in a punctate pattern in the Ventral horn.
Of special interest are crystallized inclusions that were frequently observed in the reactive astrocytes in the bovine Ventral horn homogenate-immunized anterior horn.
Stimulation was applied to the muscles through IM-S electrodes implanted in the main knee and ankle extensor muscles, or to the spinal cord through ultra-fine ISMS wires implanted within the Ventral horn of the lumbosacral enlargement.
Immobility is mediated, in part, by the Ventral horn of the spinal cord. We hypothesized that the efficacy of these anesthetics in producing immobility is compromised by the activation of GABA(A) receptors located presynaptically, which modulate GABA release onto neurons in the Ventral horn. Here we report that in organotypic spinal cord slices, the efficacy of the intravenous anesthetic etomidate to depress network activity of Ventral horn neurons is limited to approximately 60% at concentrations greater than 1 microM that produce immobility.
Our data show that contusive SCI results in a significant reduction in NADPH-d labelling in the superficial dorsal horn, and a significant increase in NADPH-d expression in small bipolar neurons and large motoneurons in the Ventral horn at the site of the injury.
In immunohistochemical analysis, Hsbp1/HSP27 and Ctsh expression levels were increased in reactive astrocytes at the Ventral horn of the spinal cord in post-symptomatic TgM, as were Crym, some of Ctsh and Paip1 in microglial cells.
In patch-clamp recordings from 19/21 Ventral horn motoneurons in neonatal (PN 5-12 days) rat spinal cord slices, we noted a slowly rising and prolonged membrane depolarization induced by bath-applied sulfated CCK octapeptide (CCK-8s; 1 microM), blockable by the CCK B receptor antagonist L-365,260 (1 microM).
Neuronal activity in the spinal cord results in extracellular potassium accumulation that is significantly higher in the dorsal horn than in the Ventral horn. Our results with immunohistochemical staining demonstrated highest Kir4.1 channel expression in the Ventral horn and very low levels of Kir4.1 in the apex of the dorsal horn. Importantly, when astrocytes in each region were challenged with high [ K(+)](o), astrocytes from the dorsal horn showed significantly smaller (60%) K(+) uptake currents than astrocytes from the Ventral horn.
Ganglioside 9-O-acetyl GD3 is also upregulated in DRG neurons and motoneurons of the Ventral horn of spinal cord showing that the reexpression of this molecule is not restricted to Schwann cells.
OBJECTIVES: To examine temporal changes of EAAC1 immunoreactivity and its protein level in the spinal Ventral horn after transient ischemia in the rabbit to investigate the correlation between neuronal cell death and EAAC1 in the Ventral horn of spinal cord. Thereafter, EAAC1 immunoreactivity and protein levels remained to be attenuated in the Ventral horn of spinal cord until 48 hours after ischemia. These results indicate that EAAC1 has an important role in the modulation of glutamate homeostasis in ischemic neurons in the spinal Ventral horn..
STUDY DESIGN: Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings were performed from Ventral horn (VH) and dorsal horn (DH) neurons obtained from the rat spinal cord slices.
Bidirectional changes in a number of TrkB mRNA-expressing cells occurred in small groups of Ventral horn neurons.
During chick embryogenesis, nNOS is expressed by interneurons that surround the motor neuron pools in the Ventral horn. Our results suggest that normal motor neuron dendrite elaboration depends, in part, on the activity-dependent generation of NO by Ventral horn interneurons, which then activates sGC and PKG in motor neurons..
Here we demonstrate that (i) axons from the transplanted cells are cholinergic and myelinated, (ii) putative synapses form on transplanted somata and dendrites in the Ventral horn, (iii) human fetal neural stem cells transplantation led to normal electromyograms from medial gastrocnemius muscles, and (iv) the gait of transplanted animals was much improved. Accumulatively, our data indicate that some transplanted human fetal neural stem cells in adult motoneuron-deficient Ventral horns differentiate into relatively normal motoneurons that are integrated into spinal and peripheral circuitry.
After 3 weeks, some neurons undergoing apoptosis were seen in the Ventral horn.
Despite this increased functional projection of Ia afferents, there is no obvious change in the anatomical density of Ia projections into the Ventral horn of the spinal cord.
Elimination of both alleles of Braf, which encodes B-Raf, and one allele of Raf1, which encodes C-Raf, affected DRG neuron maturation as well as proprioceptive axon projection toward the Ventral horn in the spinal cord.
Finally, when transplanted into the developing chick spinal cord, ES cell-derived motoneurons migrated to the Ventral horn and projected axons to appropriate muscle targets.
CMage is expressed in specific regions of the developing nervous system including the retinal ganglion cell layer, the Ventral horn of the spinal cord, and the dorsal root ganglia, coinciding with the expression of the neurotrophin receptor p75 (p75(NTR)) in these regions.
Both immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy revealed the BDA-labeled RST axonal terminals reestablished synaptic connections with motoneurons in the Ventral horn of the distal cervical spinal cord.
In the transgenic mice, P-CRA immunoreactivity was localized in only a few Ventral horn glia in the presymptomatic stage, in almost all of the vacuolated motor neurons and cordlike swollen axons and some of the Ventral horn reactive astrocytes and microglia in the onset stage, and in many of the Ventral horn reactive astrocytes and microglia in the advanced stage. Cell count analysis on mouse spinal cord sections disclosed a statistically significant increase in the density of P-CRA-immunoreactive glia in the Ventral horns of the young to old G93A mice compared to the age-matched control mice.
No substantial changes were found in the levels of Rai, PI3K(p85) or phosphorylated Akt (P-Akt) in the Ventral horn of spinal cord of SOD1G93A mice during disease progression.
OBJECTIVE: To observe the changes in the amount of epidermal growth factor (EGF) immunopositive neurons in Ventral horn and contralateral cortex motor area of rhesus following hemisection spinal cord injury (hSCI). RESULTS: In 3 months after hSCI, the number of EGF immunopositive neurons in the Ventral horn of spinal cord near the lesion and in the contralateral cortex motor area of brain decreased as compared with those of the sham-operation group (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: The EGF immunopositive neurons decreased apparently in the Ventral horn of spinal cord near the lesion and in the contralateral cortex motor area in 3 months after hSCI. Hemisection spinal cord injury affected the expression of EGF for motor neurons in Ventral horn on the lesioned side as well as on the intact side. Early after hSCI the number of positive neurons decreased sharply and then came back spontaneously in the Ventral horn of spinal cord near the lesion and in the contralateral cortex of brain..
In this study of Ventral horn interneurones in a thick slice preparation of the lumbar cord of 11-19-day-old-rats, four distinct firing patterns were observed and classified as repetitive-firing, repetitive/burst, initial-burst or single-spiking.
The expression of mu opioid receptors in several groups of dorsal, intermediate and Ventral horn interneurons in the sacrocaudal segments of the cord, documented in this study, provides an anatomical basis for this suggestion..
In cell-attached patches from Ventral horn neurones, 1 mM glycine elicited clusters of channel openings to a single conductance level (41 +/- 1 pS, n = 12). Our results suggest that glycine receptors on Ventral horn neurones in the juvenile rat are heteromers and have fast gating, similar to that of recombinant alpha1beta receptors..
The sample included 44 intermediate zone and Ventral horn interneurones, most with monosynaptic input from group I and/or group II muscle afferents and likely to be premotor interneurones.
Two sites of monosynaptic excitatory projection in the cord were identified, namely to the intermediate region (laminae V, VI and VII) and to Ventral horn region (laminae VIII and IX). Based on the amplitude of FSPs, the projection of secondary afferents is stronger than that of primaries in the intermediate region and possibly also in the Ventral horn region.
During antenatal development, the operation and maturation of mammalian spinal networks strongly depend on the activity of Ventral horn GABAergic interneurons that mediate excitation first and inhibition later.
In particular VAChT terminals surrounding motor neurons in the Ventral horn and autonomic pre-ganglion cells were dramatically decreased from 3 to 14 days after SCI.
Numerous axonal degenerations and swellings were observed in nuclei, mostly in the cerebellar dentate nucleus and the nucleus of the hypoglossal nerve, and in the Ventral horn of the spinal cord. In the Ventral horn of the spinal cord, neuronal degeneration, swelling, and/or necrosis were observed sporadically.
Most neurons and fibers were labeled in the superficial dorsal horn, but numerous cells were also located in the intermediate gray and Ventral horn. Double immunohistofluorescence demonstrated distinct cell populations in the dorsal horn labeled only for CB or nitric oxide synthase, whereas in the dorsal part of the Ventral horn colocalization of nitric oxide synthase was found in about 6% of the CB-immunoreactive cells in this region. Choline acetyltransferase immunohistochemistry revealed that only about 2% of the neurons in the dorsal part of the Ventral horn colocalized CB, whereas motoneurons were not CB-immunoreactive.
Intense HMGB1 reactivity was detected in Ventral horn motor neurons of both non-transgenic and SOD1G93A mice and there was no difference in its expression between presymptomatic SOD1G93A mice and controls.
The macrophage and glial reactions around neurone somata in DRGs and Ventral horn were slightly greater after transection than CCI while, in the dorsal horn, microglial activation (using markers OX-42(for CD11b) and ED1(for CD68)) was greater after CCI. CD8+ T-lymphocytes aggregated to a greater extent both in DRGs and the dorsal horn after CCI, but in the Ventral horn after transection.
In the Ventral horn, RET-ir was strongly expressed by motoneurons, with the strongest staining in small, presumably gamma-motoneurons.
RESULTS: The HRP-labeled neurons were found in the Ventral horn of the spinal cord and in the DRG over L3, L4, and L5, while most were found in the L5 level. However, HRP-neurons in the Ventral horn of the spinal cord in the EPN side showed mild tendency to be smaller than that in the control side.
The density of 5-HT immunoreactive fibres in the Ventral horn of lumbar and sacral regions of spinal cord was significantly greater in RMN than in controls. Furthermore, 5-HT immunostaining in the lumbar cord Ventral horn was examined in three other Ca(v)2.1 mutant mice (tottering, leaner and pogo) as to whether or not they showed the abnormal hindlimb extension.
The homozygous D90A mice accumulated detergent-resistant hSOD1 aggregates in spinal cords, and abundant hSOD1 inclusions and vacuoles were seen in the Ventral horns. At 600 days, the wild-type hSOD1 transgenic mice had lost more Ventral horn neurons than hemizygous D90A mice (38% vs 31% p < 0.01).
Specifically, we examined, by morphological and cytochemical methods combined with light, confocal and electron microscopy, i) myelin preservation, ii) activation of adult oligodendrocyte progenitors (OPCs) identified for the expression of NG2 transmembrane proteoglycan, iii) changes in the amount of the chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans neurocan, versican and phosphacan and of their glycosaminoglycan component labeled with Wisteria floribunda lectin, and iv) Ventral horn density of the serotonergic plexus as a marker of descending motor control axons.
We demonstrate the effectiveness of this method by measuring acetylcholine (ACh) in the Ventral horn and its surrounding areas of the spinal cord in en bloc brainstem-spinal cord preparations. Higher ACh concentrations in the Ventral horn were differentiated from nearby regions: the lateral and midline aspects of the ventral spinal cord.
In this study we explored by means of immunohistochemistry the localization of NGF, BDNF and NT-3 in the normal adult spinal cord (SC) and the changes in the expression of these chemicals in the Ventral horn after right cord hemisection at T9-10. The results showed an obvious increase in the numbers of NGF, BDNF and NT-3-immunoreactive neurons in the Ventral horn and also an increase in their intracellular optical density (O.D.) at 3, 7 and 21 days after cord hemisection, when compared with sham-operated rats.
In situ hybridization for BDNF mRNA demonstrated that grain density in large (>600 microm2) and medium size (<600 microm2) Ventral horn neurons was decreased in untreated Wobblers, whereas PROG treatment increased BDNF mRNA in both neuronal types.
Pudendal motoneurons are located in the Ventral horn of the caudal lumbar spinal cord and send their axon into the pudendal nerve.
Following large 0.5 microl CTB injections restricted mainly to the upper cervical Ventral horn (n=5), there were many lumbosacral CTB-positive neurons (14-17/section) in the intermediate gray and Ventral horn (dorsal lamina VIII, medial VII extending into X) contralaterally, with fewer at corresponding ipsilateral locations. Larger (0.5 microl) CTB injections encompassing the C3 dorsal and ventral gray matter on one side labeled significantly more CTB-positive neurons (>6/section) in contralateral lamina I compared to Ventral horn injections.
Immunolabeling of mGluR1alpha and mGluR5 was found in both motoneurons and glia-like cells in all the motor nuclei and the Ventral horn of the cervical spinal cord studied.
METHODS: The effects of isoflurane and enflurane on spontaneous action potential firing were investigated by extracellular voltage recordings from Ventral horn interneurones in cultured spinal cord tissue slices obtained from embryonic rats (E 14-15). CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate that the effects of isoflurane and enflurane on GABAA and glycine receptors contribute almost equally to their depressant actions on spinal Ventral horn neurones in rats.
Histologic reconstruction of stimulation sites indicated that responses were elicited from the dorsal and Ventral horn and from fiber tracts in the white matter, with little somatotopic organization for movement or muscle activation.
In experiments using acute transverse slices from the lumbar spinal cord of neonatal (postnatal day 0-10) mice, perfusion stoppage of the same duration was accompanied by a 34.7% enhancement of the peak voltage-gated calcium current recorded from Ventral horn neurons.
The small neurons in superficial dorsal horn (laminae I-III) were sparsely and weakly labelled, while large neurons in Ventral horn were frequently and densely labelled.
Intraspinal microstimulation was applied through microwires implanted in the dorsal horn, intermediate region and Ventral horn of the L(5)-L(7) segments of the spinal cord in four acutely decerebrated cats, two of which had been chronically spinalized.
The expansion of corticospinal innervation coincides with elimination of polyneuronal innervation of muscles, onset of quadrupedal locomotion and refinement of muscle afferent input to the Ventral horn. An increased density of Ventral horn muscle afferent boutons was observed at P17 in BTX-treated animals compared to controls, however, by P31, this difference was not significant.
A progressive decrease in Kir4.1 immunoreactivity was observed predominantly in the Ventral horn of SOD1(G93A) mutants.
Interneurons in the Ventral horn of the spinal cord play a central role in motor control. We used the whole cell blind patch-clamp technique to record from Ventral horn interneurons. These results demonstrate a diversity of intrinsic properties that may enable a rich repertoire of activity patterns in the network of Ventral horn interneurons..
In the spinal cord, P2Y1 and P2Y4 mRNAs were expressed by some of the dorsal horn neurons, whereas the motor neurons in the Ventral horn had P2Y4 and P2Y6 mRNAs.
In the neurons of the ipsilateral Ventral horn, RGMa was also induced at 10 days after surgery, whereas no RGMa signal could be observed in naïve conditions or at 24 h after surgery. Thus, RGMa expression is upregulated both in the ipsilateral dorsal and Ventral horns in response to the sciatic nerve injury.
Motoneurons that are preferentially affected in ALS are also densely innervated by 5-HT neurons (e.g., trigeminal, facial, ambiguus, and hypoglossal brainstem nuclei as well as Ventral horn and motor cortex).
In the present study, we investigated chronological changes of mu-calpain, m-calpain and cleaved spectrin alphaII immunoreactivity in the Ventral horn after transient spinal cord ischemia to investigate relationship between calpains and vulnerability to ischemia using abdominal aorta occlusion model in rabbits. mu-Calpain and m-calpain immunoreactivity was significantly increased in the ischemic Ventral horn at 30 min and 1 h after ischemia/reperfusion, respectively. Thereafter, they were decreased with time after ischemia/reperfusion: at 48 h after ischemia, their immunoreactivities nearly disappeared in the ischemic Ventral horn. Cleaved spectrin alphaII immunoreactivity was significantly increased in the Ventral horn of spinal cord at 12 h after ischemia/reperfusion, and thereafter, its immunoreactivity was decreased with time after ischemia/reperfusion. In conclusion, our observations in this study indicate that calpain is associated with neuronal degeneration in the Ventral horn at early time after transient spinal cord ischemia via the proteolysis of spectrin alphaII..
COX-2 labeling was observed in dorsal horn cells and in Ventral horn motoneurons. The mechanism of action involves an over-expression of COX-2, but not COX-1, in dorsal and Ventral horn areas of the lumbar spinal cord..
Recording of the VLC induced EPSP-spike (E-S) field response within the Ventral horn motor nucleus disclosed a substantial enhancement in the population discharge of motoneurons upon 5-HT application (P < 0.05).
Increases in the Ventral horn were observed later (i.e., after a 24-h reperfusion period).
The cell body sizes and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activities of motoneurons in the dorsolateral region of the Ventral horn at the cervical and lumbar segments in the rat spinal cord were determined following 9 days of spaceflight with or without 10 days of recovery on Earth.
The most affected area of the spinal cord was pericentral region, and slight changes were seen in the NADPH-d activities of both dorsal and Ventral horns. Three months of ischemia influenced the NADPH-d activity: (a) In the pericentral region were seen intensively NADPH-d stained neurons almost normal in shape of their bodies but with shortened processes or without them; (b) NADPH-d staining of neuropil was greatly enhanced mostly around the central canal and in the dorsal commissure; (c) Numerous vessels were present in the pericentral zone and in the location of the Ventral horn.
Previous studies have shown that the 5-HT neurons in B3 send fibers mainly to the dorsal horn, while those in B1 and B2 send fibers mainly to the Ventral horn at all spinal cord levels. Taken together, the present findings suggest that the brainstem 5-HT systems influence the Ventral horn of the spinal cord, where spinal motoneurons exist earlier than in the dorsal horn.
Among the GFP-positive neurons in the lumbar Ventral horn, RCs were uniquely identified as receiving ventral root-evoked short-latency EPSPs that were markedly reduced in amplitude by nicotinic receptor blockers mecamylamine or tubocurarine.
The upregulation of neuronal nitric oxide synthase was observed in the Ventral horn motoneurons after all ischemic periods.
Prolonged ischemic stress suddenly and irreversibly eliminated depolarizing signals in the Ventral horn accompanied by morphological damage of motoneurons. Severe ischemic stress induces irreversible dysfunction of neurons accompanied by eventual cell death in both dorsal and Ventral horns..
In the rabbit spinal cord ischemia model a period of 30 min ischemia followed by 24 and 72 h of reperfusion caused neuronal degeneration selectively in the Ventral horn motor neurons as well as interneurons of the intermediate zone.
Most neurons and fibers were labeled in the superficial dorsal horn, but numerous cells were also located in the intermediate gray and Ventral horn. In addition, nitric oxide synthase was immunodetected in about 6% of the CB-positive neurons in the dorsal horn and in 10% in the Ventral horn, whereas nitric oxide synthase was present in 9-13% of CR-positive cells in the dorsal horn and in 14% in the Ventral horn. Similar colocalization experiments revealed that 18-24% of the cholinergic cells in the Ventral horn contained CB and 21-30% CR, with some variations throughout the length of the spinal cord.
Spinal Gly-ir somata appeared at E12.5 in the Ventral horn, with a higher density at the brachial level. By E13.5, at the brachial level, the number of Gly-ir perikarya sharply increased throughout the whole Ventral horn, whereas the density of fibers declined in the marginal zone. From E13.5 to E16.5, at the brachial level, the density of Gly-ir cells remained stable in the Ventral horn, and after E16.5 it decreased to reach a plateau. Our data show that the glycinergic system matures 1 day later than the GABAergic system and follows a parallel spatiotemporal evolution, leading to a larger population of glycine cells in the Ventral horn..
A-type K(+) currents (I(A)s) have been detected from the Ventral horn neurons in rat spinal cord during embryonic day (E) 14 to postnatal day (P) 8 but not in adulthood.
In the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, no differences were detected between GalOE-DBH and WT mice, both displaying a strong galanin-positive neuropil in the superficial laminae of the dorsal horn, but the transgenic mice showed a more abundant galanin-positive innervation of the Ventral horn.
While the stem cell factor immunolabelling appeared diffuse throughout the gray matter, nestin labelling was restricted to clusters within the Ventral horn.
The axons as a whole terminated throughout the contralateral Ventral horn.
Labeled neurons were identified in close vicinity to the central canal, in the lateral spinal nucleus, in the Ventral horn and occasionally in lamina II and III. Those in the Ventral horn were identified as alpha motor neurons using retrograde tracing and/or double or triple immunostaining with neuronal markers neurofilament 200 (NF200) and choline acetyltransferase.
Total numbers of neurons in the lumbar dorsal horn or alpha-motor neurons in the Ventral horn demonstrated no significant changes.
The cytopathology and loss of neurons was studied in 7670 neurons from the Ventral horn of the third lumbar segment of the spinal cord of six sporadic motor neuron disease (MND) patients compared with 7568 neurons in seven age matched control subjects. The Ventral horn was divided in quadrants. There was widespread loss of neurons in all quadrants of the Ventral horn in MND. We conclude that, in sporadic MND, all neuronal populations in the Ventral horn are affected and that interneurons are involved to a similar extent and in parallel with motor neurons, as reported in the G86R transgenic mouse model of familial MND.
When comparing with the transected group, the repaired group showed: (1) lower elevation of mean arterial pressure during colorectal distension; (2) retrogradely labeled neurons in the hypothalamus, zona incerta, subcoeruleus nuclei and rostral ventrolateral medulla following application of FG below the repair site; (3) the presence of TH- and DBH-labeled axons below the lesion site; (4) higher numbers of ChAT-positive neurons in Ventral horn and intermediolateral column near the lesion site.
The results of these tests suggest that this electrode design could be used to stimulate neurons in the Ventral horn of the spinal cord..
A cylindrical multielectrode system specifically designed for intraspinal microstimulation was mechanically and electrically evaluated in the Ventral horn of the feline lumbo-sacral spinal cord.
Renshaw cells were identified immunohistochemically by their expression of calbindin and their location in the Ventral horn of the spinal cord.
Many T cells have axon terminal arborizations in the Ventral horn of the spinal cord hindlimb enlargement.
As a result, N- and R-cadherin appeared to be co-localized on plasmalemma of neurons in dorsal root ganglia that were in contact with satellite cells, whereas there was no expression in neurons of the Ventral horn.
Nissl staining showed that the ratio of bilateral Ventral horn neurons (transection side/uninjured side) in the EGb group was higher than that in the NS group (P<0.05).
Labelled neurones were observed in the spinal cord in laminae IV and V, in the region of the central canal and in the Ventral horn. Dual immunohistochemistry revealed that some Kv3.3-IR neurones in the ventral medullary reticular nucleus, spinal trigeminal nucleus, dorsal horn, Ventral horn and central canal region were also immunoreactive for the Kv3.1b subunit. Electron microscopy confirmed the presence of Kv3.3-IR in terminals and somatic membranes in Ventral horn neurones, but not motoneurones.
Subsets of neurons in neocortex, brainstem, and spinal cord Ventral horn were positive for terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated biotinylated UTP nick end labeling, cleaved caspase-3, and p53.
Choline acetyltransferase immunohistochemistry revealed that a subpopulation of Ventral horn neurons, including motoneurons, colocalized CB and CR.
A population of UII-like immunoreactive cell bodies was located in the Ventral horn of the different segments. In situ hybridization histochemistry revealed that pro-UII mRNA was located in some Ventral horn neuronal perikarya.
RESULTS: In normal group, EUS and IC injections resulted in transport of FG to neurons in the dorsolateral nucleus (DL) of the Ventral horn of the L5-S1, and BS and EAS in the dorsomedial nucleus (DM) of Ventral horn in the L5-S1. In the model group A, EUS, IC, BS and EAS injections resulted in transport of FG to neurons in the left Ventral horn in the L4. In model group B, after WGA-HRP was injected into the L4 left Ventral horn, HRP positive axon terminals were observed in the EUS, IC, BS and EAS. CONCLUSION: In the normal rats, the pelvic striated muscles motoneurons locate in the Ventral horn of L5-S1. In the model rats, the pelvic striated muscles motoneurons innervated by artificial somatic-autonomic reflex arc locate in the Ventral horn of the L4.
Recordings were made from 145 C(1)-C(2) neurons that could be antidromically activated from the ipsilateral C(5)-C(6 )Ventral horn, 60 of which had spontaneous activity, during stimulation of vestibular receptors using electric current pulses or whole-body rotations in vertical planes.
Our results show that a lumbosacral ventral root avulsion injury induces an activation of astrocytes, microglia, and macrophages in the Ventral horn. Interestingly, an acute implantation of an avulsed root into the white matter does not significantly affect the activation of glial cells or macrophages in the Ventral horn.
Autometallography of 7-microm-thick spinal-cord sections from Hg(0)-exposed mice confirmed the presence of mercury deposits in Ventral horn motor neurons.
These changes were absent in the nucleus proprius and Ventral horn.
Adult rats were deeply anesthetized and injected with 20 nmol of NMDA into the spinal cord Ventral horn on T7.
Since neuronal circuits in the Ventral horn of the spinal cord are highly active during patterned movements, and voltage-gated calcium channels play an important role in the production of spinal motoneuron output, the effects of changes in extracellular pH (pH(e)) on calcium currents in Ventral horn neurons of the mouse spinal cord were examined. It is concluded that voltage-gated calcium currents in Ventral horn neurons are modulated by changes in pH(e), and that this modulation may play a physiologically important role in determining motoneuronal excitability during behaviors such as locomotion..
The percentage of NeuN+ Ventral horn cells that were co-labeled with hSOD1 antibody was greater in mice treated with SOD1:TTC (cervical cord = 73 +/- 8.5%; lumbar cord = 62 +/- 7.7%) than in mice treated with hSOD1 alone (cervical cord = 15 +/- 3.9%; lumbar cord = 27 +/-4.7%).
NCX 1015 but not PRE reduced TUNEL and activated caspase 3 in both white and ventral gray matter as well as tumor necrosis factor immunoreactivity in Ventral horn motorneurons, suggesting that NCX 1015 reduces SCI-induced apoptosis.
They were most pronounced in the superficial dorsal horn and absent from the Ventral horn.
We detected strong hybridization signals in cell bodies located in the internal plexiform layer of the olfactory bulb, the interpeduncular nucleus of the midbrain, the ventral and dorsal tegmental nuclei, the median raphe nucleus of the pons, the ventral part of the medullary reticular nucleus, the Ventral horn in the spinal cord of both rats and mice, and in a few Purkinje cells of rats, but not of mice.
In the transverse sections, the labeled sonic motor neurons were located in the dorsal zone (mainly large and medium neurons) and in the ventral zone (mainly small neurons) of the Ventral horn.
Seventy transgenic mice expressing the mutant (G93A) human Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) received a unilateral spinal injection of Sertoli-enriched testicular cells into the L4-L5 Ventral horn (1 x 10(5) cells total) prior to the onset of clinical symptoms.
The neurons with strong positive immuno-reaction signals were detected in cerebral cortex, cerebellar Purkinje cells, cerebellar nuclei, pyramidal neurons of hippocampus, caudate nucleus, lentiform nucleus, claustrum, nuclei in diencephalons, substantia nigra, cranial nerve nuclei, reticular formation in brain stem, pontine nuclei, red nucleus, superior and inferior olivary nucleus, gracile nucleus, cuneate nucleus, also the Ventral horn, lateral horn, dorsal horn and the central gray matter in spinal cord.
Also, none of the concentrations used produced labelling in neurons of the deep Ventral horn neurons or in motor neurons.
The external urethral sphincter motoneurons in the sacral Ventral horn control the striated external urethral sphincter muscles that circle the urethra.
We examined the rate of motoneuron death after sciatic nerve crush in neonatal rats, as well as the neuroprotective effect of systemic MgSO4 administration, by assessing the number of horseradish peroxidase -labelled motoneurons in the spinal cord Ventral horn, after injecting EDL and TA muscles. Animals were examined for the number of motoneurons of EDL and TA muscles, in the spinal cord Ventral horns at 14, 21, and 28 days postnatally (P) and adulthood.
An alignment of glial fibres guided them from dorsal columns to Ventral horn, at right angles to the radial glia.
In situ hybridization showed a high level of RSEP1 expression in the CA1, CA3 and dentate gyrus regions of the hippocampus and the small sensory neurons in the dorsal horn, as well as the large neurons in the Ventral horn of the spinal cord.
Rats treated neonatally with capsaicin or with spinal nerve ligation as adults showed a significantly decreased K+-stimulated release of [ 3H]-acetylcholine from dorsal horn but not Ventral horn lumbar spinal cord slices.
It is also expressed abundantly in the Ventral horn of the spinal cord and the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells.
Interneurons that were rhythmically activated during multiple forms of ipsilateral fictive hindlimb scratching often had axon-terminal arborizations in the Ventral horn of the spinal cord hindlimb enlargement.
Immunohistochemistry for calbindin-D28k (CB) revealed that the spinal cord of Xenopus laevis possess a large number of CB-containing neurons widely distributed in both the dorsal and Ventral horns, including areas which possess long ascending projections to supraspinal structures. Thus, dextran amine injections into the lateral reticular region of the rhombencephalon, the parabrachial region, the mesencephalon and the dorsal thalamus revealed many retrogradely labeled cells in the spinal cord, a few number of which were double labeled for CB and found in the superficial dorsal horn and in the ventral medial region of the Ventral horn.
Normal apoptosis is not dependent on Hoxa5, as the level of Ventral horn motor neuron apoptosis was not changed in Hoxa5 null animals.
5-HT2C-IR positive cells were distributed in the intermediolateral cell column and the Ventral horn. Ventral horn 5-HT2C-IR labeling included the dorsomedial cell group as well as the dorsolateral, ventromedial and ventrolateral areas.
Fluorescence was detected in the Ventral horn of the spinal cord in the right C-8 and T-1 segments.
Thus, in diabetic painful neuropathy, reduced spinal intrinsic inhibition in the Ventral horn contributes to an enhanced spinal segmental motor output..
NgR(310)ecto-Fc or MP treatment resulted in increased axonal sprouting and/or regeneration, quantified by counting biotin dextran amine-labeled corticospinal tract axons, and increased the number of axons contacting motor neurons in the Ventral horn gray matter caudal to the lesion.
During ALS-like disease onset and progression, NPCs in the EZ migrated initially toward the dorsal horn direction and then to the Ventral horn regions, where motor neurons have degenerated.
In control animals, EphA3 immunoreactivity was observed in motor neurons of the Ventral horn but not in lesioned animals.
In neonatal spinal cord, we previously reported that exogenous angiotensin II (ANG II) acts at postsynaptic AT1 receptors to depolarize neonatal rat spinal Ventral horn neurons in vitro.
We conclude that halothane at high concentrations (1.5-2%) seems to play a predominant inhibitory role via spinal multireceptors on Ventral horn (VH) motor neurons, and less on DH sensory WDR neurons, of the spinal cord..
The MPTA also has direct projections to the intermediate gray matter and Ventral horn of the spinal cord via the lateral and anterior funiculi.
However, many laterally exiting axons had not grown out directly from the Ventral horn through the lateral white matter but had elongated vertically before leaving the spinal cord.
US treatment significantly suppressed this increase in the numbers of nNOS-LI neurons bilaterally in the superficial laminae (laminae I-II, P < .001), nucleus proprius (laminae III-IV, P < .01), deep laminae (laminae V-VI, P < .001), and Ventral horn (laminae VII-X, P < .001) of the spinal cord.
This study was carried out to investigate the motor neurone degeneration in the Ventral horn following transient spinal cord ischaemia at normothermic conditions in rabbits.
In this study, the effects of the monoamines serotonin and norepinephrine on the intrinsic properties of Ventral horn interneurons were investigated in a slice preparation of the lumbar cord of 7-19 day old rats.
Terminal fibers issued in the Ventral horn intensely nitric oxide synthase immunoreactive terminals with long axis ranging from 0.7 to >or=15.1 microm presumed to be Ia bNOS-IR boutons.
In contrast, a high number of HSP70 exhibiting motoneurons with fine processes appeared in the Ventral horn (laminae VIII-IX) of lumbosacral segments.
In the spinal cord of the goldfish, ChAT-positive neurons were detected mainly in the Ventral horn by in situ hybridization.
In this work, we use immunocytochemistry with confocal microscopy and EM to demonstrate that P boutons can be distinguished from other GABAergic terminals in the Ventral horn of rat and mouse spinal cord by their high level of the glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) 65 isoform of GAD. Our results suggest that P boutons represent the major output of these cells within the Ventral horn and are consistent with the view that presynaptic inhibition of proprioceptive afferents is mediated by specific populations of interneurons.
Fas and FasL immunoreactivity mainly distributed in motor neurons of spinal Ventral horn and neural fibers and glia cells in white matter.
Neurons of the dorsal horn (mainly Clarke's column) make up a dorsal spinocerebellar tract and neurons of the Ventral horn (mainly spinal border cells) are at the origin of a ventral spinocerebellar tract. It was the aim of this investigation to look for the distribution of spinocerebellar Ventral horn neurons and paragriseal cells in the thoracolumbosacral spinal cord of pigeons and to compare this distribution with that of the cervical enlargement. In the cervical enlargement the number of spinocerebellar Ventral horn neurons increases more rostral than that of dorsal horn neurons but the number of both groups of neurons decreases simultaneously at the caudal end of the enlargement. In the Ventral horn of thoracolumbosacral segments the number of spinocerebellar Ventral horn neurons and paragriseal cells increases again more rostrally than that of dorsal horn cells. However, the number of Ventral horn cells decreases whereas that of paragriseal cells and of dorsal horn cells is maintained. This shows that the number of Ventral horn cells decreases in favor of paragriseal cells, which supports the suggestion that paragriseal cells are displaced Ventral horn spinocerebellar neurons.
Previously, we found significant increases in the numbers of Ventral horn MNs immunopositive for these enzymes in the spinal cords of mutant SOD transgenic (G93A) mice as early as 60 days of age, suggesting that this pathway may be active in vivo.
RESULTS: Retrograde transport of CTB from the LA muscle labeled primary afferent neurons in the ipsilateral DRG, their central projections, and motor neurons in the medial portion of the ipsilateral Ventral horn of the spinal cord (L7-S2 segments).
The initial hemorrhagic lesion was similar to that seen in adults, but the time course of secondary loss of Ventral horn motor neurons was extended.
NeuN+ neurons were best preserved in the dorsal horn whereas large NeuN+ and choline acetyltransferase+ motoneurons in the Ventral horn vanished after 3 days in vitro.
Typically, dorsal root stimulation generated two basic waveforms of voltage images: dual-component images consisting of fast, spike-like signal followed by a slow signal in the dorsal horn, and small, slow signals in the Ventral horn.
We investigated the expression of CB in the basal lamina of microvessels in the Ventral horn of the rabbit spinal cord after transient spinal cord ischemia.
IL-6 is increased at the ipsilateral dorsal and Ventral horn of the spinal cord.
Recent studies suggest that neurotrophins are possible mediators of hormone action, and in agreement with this assumption, PROG treatment of rats with SCI increases the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) at both the mRNA and protein levels in Ventral horn motoneurons.
About half of the C1-C3 PAG and C1-C3 thalamic neurons were clustered laterally in the Ventral horn (C(1-3vl)), bilaterally, with a slight ipsilateral preponderance.
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