The amygdala shows ventropallial and lateropallial derivatives that can be compared among vertebrates according to their topological position, either superficial (cortical amygdala) or deep (basolateral amygdala and amygdalo-hippocampal area), connections and histochemical features.
GAL-immunoreactive fibers were identified in the medial nucleus, "bed nucleus" of the accessory olfactory tract, fiontal cortical nucleus, amygdalo-hippocampal area and basolateral nucleus.
Another large cluster of retrogradely labeled cells in the lateral division of the amygdalo-hippocampal area, the posterior cortical nucleus (part of the vomeronasal amygdala), and the periamygdaloid cortex (part of the olfactory amygdala), however, had disappeared in epileptic brain in parallel to severe neuronal loss in these nuclei.
Further, specific nuclei of the claustral complex and pallial amygdala show strong expression of Neurogenin 2 and/or Semaphorin 5A, including the ventromedial claustrum and endopiriform nuclei, the lateral and basomedial amygdalar nuclei, the anterior and posteromedial cortical amygdalar areas, plus the amygdalo-hippocampal area.
The amygdalo-hippocampal area and the amygdalo-piriform transition area both showed a substantial number of labeled somata throughout their rostrocaudal extent.
Receptor autoradiography revealed that these sites were especially concentrated in certain layers of the hippocampus, laminae I and IV-V of the temporal cortex and the amygdalo-hippocampal area.
The lateral nucleus also has a strong projection to BM and both nuclei project to the amygdalo-hippocampal area.
The prelimbic area has additional projections to the posterolateral cortical nucleus and amygdalo-hippocampal area.
Projections arose from many of the amygdaloid nuclei to terminate in the molecular layer of the amygdalo-hippocampal area and the adjacent stratum moleculare of the uncal portion of the hippocampus.
The amygdalo-hippocampal area projects to the medial hypothalamus.
Using autoradiography coupled with LKB tritium-sensitive Ultrofilm or the dry emulsion-coated coverslip technique the distribution of [ 3H]SP binding sites was found to be very dense within olfactory bulb, amygdalo-hippocampal area and the nucleus of the solitary tract.
Following injections in the nucleus accumbens, retrogradely-labelled cells were found in the medial frontal cortex, the anterior olfactory nucleus, the posterior part of the insular cortex, the endopiriform nucleus, the amygdalo-hippocampal area, the entorhinal and perirhinal cortices and the subiculum of the hippocampal formation.
Efferents from C1 also innervate the molecular layer of C2, the amygdalo-hippocampal area, and the adjacent piriform cortex.
of the stria terminalis (medial division), medial and central amygdaloid n., and amygdalo-hippocampal area.
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