Anterograde tracer injections in the middle sector of CA1 in macaque monkeys demonstrate a direct projection to the fundus of the anterior superior temporal sulcus, in area IPA.
A zone in the rostral depth of the STS (area IPA) projects to the rostral inferotemporal region, parahippocampal gyrus, insula of the Sylvian fissure, parietal operculum, and lower rim of the IPS (area PG).
In the rostral superior temporal sulcus, both areas have extensive connections with the superior temporal polysensory area (STP) in the upper bank of the sulcus and with area IPA in the sulcal floor.
Area TEa also has reciprocal connections with adjacent segments of area TEm laterally, at the lower rim of the sulcus, and area IPA, medially, in the depth.
A presumed somatic sensory-related area in the rostral depth of the STS (area IPA) projects to orbital (areas 11 and 14) and lateral (areas 46, 10, and 12) sectors of the frontal lobe..
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