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C auratus
HAbenula [HB]  · 

mediodorsal nucleus of tHAlamus [MD]  ·  paraventricular nucleus of tHAlamus [Pa]  ·  reticular nucleus of tHAlamus [R]  ·  subtHAlamic nucleus [Sb]  · 

Chlorocebus aethiops
anteroventral nucleus of tHAlamus [AV]  ·  central lateral nucleus of tHAlamus [CL]  ·  central medial nucleus of tHAlamus [CeM]  ·  Layer IVC alpHA [IVCalpHA]  ·  paraventricular nucleus of tHAlamus [Pa]  ·  reticular nucleus of tHAlamus [R]  ·  stria medullaris of tHAlamus [SM]  ·  subtHAlamic nucleus [Sb]  ·  ventral posterior lateral nucleus of tHAlamus [VPL]  · 

Gallus gallus
[HA]  ·  Nucleus Edinger-WestpHAl [nEW]  ·  Nucleus lateralis anterior tHAlami [LA]  ·  Nucleus mesencepHAlicus lateralis, pars dorsalis [MLd]  ·  Nucleus nervi glossopHAryngei et nucleus motorius dorsalis nervi vagi [nIX-X]  ·  Nucleus paramedianus internus tHAlami [PMI]  ·  Nucleus SynencepHAli Superficialis pars ventralis [SSv]  ·  Tractus septomesencepHAlicus [TSM]  · 

Homo sapiens
mediodorsal nucleus of tHAlamus [MD]  ·  reticular nucleus of tHAlamus [R]  · 

Macaca mulatta
amygdalo-hippocampal area [AHA]  ·  anterior hypotHAlamic area [HAA]  ·  anterodorsal nucleus of tHAlamus [AD]  ·  anteromedial nucleus of tHAlamus [AM]  ·  anteromedial nucleus of tHAlamus [AM]  ·  anteroventral nucleus of tHAlamus [AV]  ·  basal ventral medial nucleus of tHAlamus [VMb]  ·  central lateral nucleus of tHAlamus [CL]  ·  central lateral nucleus of the tHAlamus [CL]  ·  central medial nucleus of tHAlamus [CeM]  ·  centre médian nucleus of tHAlamus [CM]  ·  centre median nucleus of tHAlamus [CM]  ·  dorsal hypotHAlamic area [HDA]  ·  dorsal hypotHAlamic nucleus [HD]  ·  dorsal medial nucleus of hypotHAlamus [DMH]  ·  dorsomedial nucleus of hypotHAlamus [HDM]  ·  glossopHAryngeal nerve [IXN]  ·  HAbenular commissure [HC]  ·  HAbenulopeduncular tract [HPT]  ·  lateral dorsal nucleus of tHAlamus [LD]  ·  lateral HAbenula [Hl]  ·  lateral HAbenular nucleus [Hl]  ·  lateral hypotHAlamic area [HLA]  ·  lateral posterior nucleus of tHAlamus [LP]  ·  lateral posterior nucleus of tHAlamus [LP]  ·  lateral posterior nucleus of tHAlamus [LP]  ·  lateral posterior nucleus of tHAlamus [LP]  ·  lateral posterior nucleus of tHAlamus [LP]  ·  lateral posterior nucleus of tHAlamus [LP]  ·  limitans nucleus of tHAlamus [L]  ·  magnocellular division of ventral anterior nucleus of tHAlamus [VAmc]  ·  magnocellular nucleus of lateral hypotHAlamus [HLmc]  ·  mamillotHAlamic tract [MTT]  ·  medial HAbenula [Hm]  ·  medial HAbenular nucleus [Hm]  ·  mediodorsal nucleus of diencepHAlon [MD]  ·  mediodorsal nucleus of tHAlamus [MD]  ·  medioventral nucleus of tHAlamus [MV]  ·  mesencepHAlic trigeminal nucleus [5ME]  ·  mesencepHAlic trigeminal nucleus [5ME]  ·  nucleus of Edinger and WestpHAl [EW]  ·  paracentral nucleus of tHAlamus [Pc]  ·  parafascicular nucleus of tHAlamus [Pf]  ·  parataenial nucleus of tHAlamus [Pt]  ·  paraventricular nuclei of tHAlamus [Pa]  ·  paraventricular nucleus of hypotHAlamus [Pa]  ·  paraventricular nucleus of tHAlamus [Pa]  ·  periventricular hypotHAlamic area [Pe]  ·  periventricular nucleus of hypotHAlamus [PAH]  ·  posterior hypotHAlamic area [HPA]  ·  posterior nucleus of tHAlamus [Po]  ·  posterior nucleus of tHAlamus / ventral posterior inferior nucleus of tHAlamus [Po/VPI]  ·  posterior nucleus of tHAlamus/ ventral posterior inferior nucleus of tHAlamus [Po/VPI]  ·  posterior nucleus of tHAlamus/suprageniculate nucleus of tHAlamus [Po/SG]  ·  pregeniculate nucleus of tHAlamus [Prg]  ·  reticular nucleus of tHAlamus [R]  ·  reticular nucleus of tHAlamus RA [R]  ·  rhomboid (central) nucleus of tHAlamus [Rh]  ·  rhomboid nucleus of tHAlamus [Rh]  ·  septohypotHAlamic nucleus [SHN]  ·  stria medullaris of tHAlamus [SM]  ·  subtHAlamic nucleus [Sb]  ·  subtHAlamus [Sb]  ·  suprageniculate nucleus of tHAlamus [SG]  ·  ventral anterior nucleus of tHAlamus [VA]  ·  ventral anterior nucleus of tHAlamus, magnocellular division [VAmv]  ·  ventral lateral anterior nucleus of tHAlamus [VLa]  ·  ventral lateral anterior nucleus of tHAlamus, magnocellular division [VAmc]  ·  ventral lateral posterior nucleus of tHAlamus [VLp]  ·  ventral medial nucleus of hypotHAlamus [VMH]  ·  ventral medial nucleus of tHAlamus [VM]  ·  ventral posterior inferior nucleus of tHAlamus [VPI]  ·  ventral posterior lateral nucleus of tHAlamus [VPL]  ·  ventral posterior medial nucleus of tHAlamus [VPM]  · 

Mus musculus
anterior hypotHAlamic area [HAA]  ·  arcuate nucleus of hypotHAlamus [HAr]  ·  central lateral nucleus of the tHAlamus [CL]  ·  central medial nucleus of tHAlamus [CeM]  ·  HAbenular Commissure [CoH]  ·  HAbenulopeduncular tract [HPT]  ·  hypotHAlamus [Hy]  ·  lateral dorsal nucleus of tHAlamus [LD]  ·  lateral HAbenula [Hl]  ·  lateral hypotHAlamic area [HLA]  ·  lateral posterior nucleus of tHAlamus [LP]  ·  mamillotHAlamic tract [MTT]  ·  medial HAbenula [Hm]  ·  Nucleus HAbenularis medialis [HM]  ·  Nucleus parafascicularis tHAlami [Pf]  ·  Nucleus subtHAlamicus [STh]  ·  Nucleus trigeminalis mesencepHAli [MesV]  ·  paraventricular nucleus of hypotHAlamus [PAH]  ·  paraventricular nucleus of tHAlamus [Pa]  ·  posterior hypotHAlamic area [HPA]  ·  Posteromedial nucleus of tHAlamus [PoM]  ·  reticular nucleus of tHAlamus [R]  ·  subtHAlamic nucleus [Sb]  ·  Tractus HAbenulo-interpenduncularis [HIP]  ·  Tractus HAbenulointerpeduncularis [HIP]  ·  Tractus mammilotHAlamicus [TMM]  ·  ventral lateral nucleus of tHAlamus [VL]  ·  ventral medial nucleus of hypotHAlamus [VMH]  ·  ventral medial nucleus of tHAlamus [VM]  ·  ventral posterior lateral nucleus of tHAlamus [VPL]  ·  ventral posterior medial nucleus of tHAlamus [VPM?]  · 

Rattus norvegicus
HAbenulopeduncular tract [HPT]  ·  lateral HAbenula [Hl]  ·  mamillotHAlamic tract [MTT]  ·  medial HAbenula [Hm]  ·  reticular nucleus of tHAlamus [R]  ·  subtHAlamic nucleus [Sb]  · 

Tyto alba
fasciculus prosencepHAli lateralis [FPL]  ·  Fasciculus prosencepHAli lateralis [FPL]  ·  Fasciculus prosencepHAli lateralis/Ansa lenticularis [FPL/AL]  ·  Formatio reticularis lateralis mesencepHAli/Nucleus mesencepHAlicus lateralis, pars ventralis [FRL/MLv]  ·  hyperstriatum accessorium [HA]  ·  Hyperstriatum accessorium [HA]  ·  hyperstriatum intercalatus superior [IHA]  ·  Hyperstriatum intercalatus superior [IHA]  ·  Lobus parolfactorius/Paraventricular nucleus of tHAlamus [LPo/PA]  ·  Nervi glossopHAryngeus et vagus [NIX-X]  ·  nucleus dorsolateralis posterior tHAlami [DLP]  ·  Nucleus dorsolateralis posterior tHAlami [DLP]  ·  Nucleus dorsomedialis anterior tHAlami [DMA]  ·  nucleus dorsomedialis posterior tHAlami [DMP]  ·  Nucleus HAbenularis [Hb]  ·  nucleus HAbenularis lateralis [HL]  ·  Nucleus HAbenularis lateralis [HL]  ·  nucleus HAbenularis medialis [HM]  ·  Nucleus HAbenularis medialis [HM]  ·  Nucleus lateralis anterior tHAlami [LA]  ·  Nucleus lentiformis mesencepHAli, pars magnocellularis [LMmc]  ·  Nucleus lentiformis mesencepHAli, pars parvocellularis [LMpc]  ·  Nucleus mesencepHAlicus lateralis, pars dorsalis [MLd]  ·  Nucleus mesencepHAlicus nervi trigemini [MNV]  ·  Nucleus occipitomesencepHAlicus [OM]  ·  nucleus paramedianus internus tHAlami [PMI]  ·  Nucleus paramedianus internus tHAlami [PMI]  ·  Nucleus subHAbenularis [SH]  ·  nucleus subHAbenularis medialis [SHM]  ·  Nucleus subHAbenularis medialis [SHM]  ·  organum vasculosum hypotHAlamus [OVH]  ·  paraventricular nucleus of tHAlamus [PvT]  ·  PAraventricular nucleus of tHAlamus [PA]  ·  Superior division of dorsal tHAlamus [DTS]  ·  Tractus occipitomesencepHAlicus [OM]  ·  Tractus septomesencepHAlicus [TSM]  ·  ventromedial nucleus of hypotHAlamus [VMH]  ·  Ventromedial nucleus of hypotHAlamus [VMH]  ·