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Mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus [MD]  ·  putaMen [Pu]  ·  stria Medullaris [SM]  · 

Chlorocebus aethiops
central Medial nucleus of thalamus [CeM]  ·  external segMent of globus pallidus [GPe]  ·  interMediate orbitofrontal sulcus [IOFS]  ·  internal segMent of globus pallidus [GPi]  ·  Medial mamillary nucleus [MM]  ·  Medial orbitofrontal sulcus [MOFS]  ·  Mediodorsal nucleus [MD]  ·  putaMen [Pu]  ·  stria Medullaris [SM]  ·  stria Medullaris of thalamus [SM]  · 

Gallus gallus
Mesopallium posterior [MPp]  ·  Mesopallium posterior ventralis [MPpv]  ·  Fasciculus longitudinalis Medialis [FLM]  ·  Lobus Parolfactorius/Medial Striatum [LPO]  ·  Mesopallium [M]  ·  Mesopallium (Hyperstriatum Ventrale) [MP]  ·  Mesopallium anterolaterale= [Mal]  ·  Mesopallium anterolateralis pars anterior [MPala]  ·  Mesopallium interMedium, pars Mediale [MPim]  ·  Mesopallium posterior [MPp]  ·  Nidopallium Medialis [Nm]  ·  Nucleus Mesencephalicus lateralis, pars dorsalis [MLd]  ·  Nucleus Oculomotorius dorsoMedialis [NIIIdm]  ·  Nucleus paraMedianus internus thalami [PMI]  ·  Nucleus septalis Medialis [SM]  ·  Nucleus Spiriformis Medialis [SpM]  ·  Nucleus vestibularis Medialis [VeM]  ·  Paleostriatum AugMentatum [PA]  ·  Tractus SeptoMesencepalicus [TSM]  ·  Tractus septoMesencephalicus [TSM]  · 

Homo sapiens
external segMent of globus pallidus [GPe]  ·  internal segMent of globus pallidus [GPi]  ·  Mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus [MD]  ·  putaMen [Pu]  ·  stria Medullaris [SM]  · 

Macaca fascicularis
putaMen [Pu]  ·  striosoMes [striosoMes]  · 

Macaca mulatta
anterodorsal nucleus of Medial geniculate complex [MGad]  ·  anteroMedial nucleus of thalamus [AM]  ·  anteroMedial nucleus of thalamus [AM]  ·  basal nucleus of Meynert [BNM]  ·  basal ventral Medial nucleus of thalamus [VMb]  ·  basoMedial nucleus of amygdala [ABM]  ·  belt auditory cortex, anteroMedial field [BAAM]  ·  belt auditory cortex, Medial field [BAM]  ·  belt auditory cortex, posteroMedial field [BAPM]  ·  central Medial nucleus of thalamus [CeM]  ·  central nucleus of Medulla oblongata [CNM]  ·  central nucleus of Medulla oblongata [CNM]  ·  central tegMental field [FTC]  ·  centre Median nucleus of thalamus [CM]  ·  decussation of Medial lemniscus [LMX]  ·  dorsal Medial nucleus of hypothalamus [DMH]  ·  dorsal tegMental nucleus [TD]  ·  dorsoMedial nucleus of hypothalamus [HDM]  ·  external segMent of globus pallidus [GPe]  ·  gigantocellular tegMental field [FTG]  ·  inferior nucleus of pulvinar, Medial division [Plim]  ·  inferior nucleus of pulvinar, Medial division' [Plim]  ·  internal segMent of globus pallidus [GPi]  ·  lateral dorsal tegMental nucleus [TLD]  ·  magnocellular nucleus of Medial geniculate complex [MGmc]  ·  Medial accessory nucleus of inferior olivary complex [IOM]  ·  Medial belt area of auditory cortex [BAM]  ·  Medial division of inferior pulvinar [Plim]  ·  Medial habenula [Hm]  ·  Medial habenular nucleus [Hm]  ·  Medial intraparietal area [MIP]  ·  Medial lemniscus [LM]  ·  Medial longitudinal bundle [MLB]  ·  Medial mamillary nucleus [MM]  ·  Medial nucleus of amygdala [AMe]  ·  Medial nucleus of cerebellum [CBM]  ·  Medial nucleus of pulvinar [Plm]  ·  Medial parieto-occipital sulcus [MPOS]  ·  Medial pretectal nucleus [PTM]  ·  Medial septal nucleus [SMN]  ·  Medial superior olivary nucleus [SOM]  ·  Medial superior temporal area [MST]  ·  Medial vestibular nucleus [VSM]  ·  Median eminence [Me]  ·  Median preoptic nucleus [MPO]  ·  Median raphe [MR]  ·  Median raphe nucleus [MR]  ·  Mediodorsal nucleus [MD]  ·  Mediodorsal nucleus of diencephalon [MD]  ·  Mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus [MD]  ·  Medioventral nucleus of thalamus [MV]  ·  Mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus [5Me]  ·  Mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus [5Me]  ·  paraMedian reticular nucleus [PMR]  ·  pedunculopontine tegMental nucleus [PPT]  ·  posterodorsal nucleus of Medial geniculate complex [MGpd]  ·  putaMen [Pu]  ·  reticulotegMental pontine nucleus [RTP]  ·  reticulotegMental pontine nucleus [RTP]  ·  reticulotegMental pontine nucleus [RTP]  ·  RTP reticulotegMental pontine nucleus [RTP]  ·  stria Medullaris [SM]  ·  stria Medullaris of thalamus [SM]  ·  ventral Medial nucleus of hypothalamus [VMH]  ·  ventral Medial nucleus of thalamus [VM]  ·  ventral nucleus of Medial geniculate complex [MGv]  ·  ventral posterior Medial nucleus of thalamus [VPM]  ·  ventral tegMental area [VTA]  · 

Mus musculus
caudate-putaMen [CPu]  ·  central Medial nucleus of thalamus [CeM]  ·  dorsal nucleus of Medial geniculate complex [MGd]  ·  external segMent of globus pallidus [GPe]  ·  interMediate layer of superior colliculus [SCI]  ·  interMediate nucleus of Medial geniculate complex [MGi]  ·  Medial habenula [Hm]  ·  Medial longitudinal bundle [MLB]  ·  Medial mamillary nucleus [MM]  ·  Medial Terminal Nucleus dorsalis [MTNd]  ·  Medial terminal nucleus of the Accessory Optic System [MTN]  ·  Median eminence [Me]  ·  Mediodorsal nucleus [MD]  ·  n. Vestibularis Medialis [VeM]  ·  nTrigemini Descendens pars Oralis interMedius [Or-i]  ·  Nucleus geniculatus lateralis ventralis, pars principalis Medialis [GLv pr-Med]  ·  Nucleus habenularis Medialis [HM]  ·  Nucleus trigeminalis Mesencephali [MesV]  ·  PosteroMedial nucleus of thalamus [PoM]  ·  Stratum Album InterMedium [SAI?]  ·  ventral Medial nucleus of hypothalamus [VMH]  ·  ventral Medial nucleus of thalamus [VM]  ·  ventral nucleus of Medial geniculate complex [MGv]  ·  ventral posterior Medial nucleus of thalamus [VPM]  ·  ventral tegMental area [VTA]  · 

Rattus norvegicus
InterMedioventral Cochlear Nucelus [IVCN]  ·  Medial habenula [Hm]  · 

Tyto alba
Caudo-Medial neoostriatum [NCM]  ·  dorsalis interMedius pars ventralis anterior [DIVA]  ·  Fasciculus longitudinalis Medialis [FLM]  ·  Formatio reticularis lateralis Mesencephali/Nucleus Mesencephalicus lateralis, pars ventralis [FRL/MLv]  ·  Laminus Medullaris dorsalis [LMD]  ·  lemniscus Medialis [LM]  ·  Lobus Parolfactorius/Paleostriatum augMentatum [LPo/PA]  ·  Nucleus cerebellaris interMedius [CbM]  ·  Nucleus dorsoMedialis anterior thalami [DMA]  ·  nucleus dorsoMedialis posterior thalami [DMP]  ·  nucleus habenularis Medialis [HM]  ·  Nucleus habenularis Medialis [HM]  ·  Nucleus lentiformis Mesencephali, pars magnocellularis [LMmc]  ·  Nucleus lentiformis Mesencephali, pars parvocellularis [LMpc]  ·  Nucleus Mesencephalicus lateralis, pars dorsalis [MLd]  ·  Nucleus Mesencephalicus nervi trigemini [MNV]  ·  Nucleus occipitoMesencephalicus [OM]  ·  nucleus paraMedianus internus thalami [PMI]  ·  Nucleus paraMedianus internus thalami [PMI]  ·  Nucleus pontis Medialis [PM]  ·  Nucleus septalis Medialis [SM]  ·  Nucleus spiriformis Medialis [SpM]  ·  nucleus subhabenularis Medialis [SHM]  ·  Nucleus subhabenularis Medialis [SHM]  ·  paleostriatum augMentatum [PA]  ·  Paleostriatum augMentatum [PA]  ·  Stria Medullaris [SMe]  ·  Tractus occipitoMesencephalicus [OM]  ·  Tractus septoMesencephalicus [TSM]  ·  ventroMedial nucleus of hypothalamus [VMH]  ·  VentroMedial nucleus of hypothalamus [VMH]  ·