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Macaca mulatta
cortico-sPINal tract [CST]  ·  corticosPINal tract [CST]  ·  dorsal horn of sPINal cord [DH]  ·  dorsal sPINocerebellar tract [DSCT]  ·  dorsal sPINocerebellar tract [DSCT]  ·  dorsal sPINocerebellar tract [DSCT]  ·  dorsal sPINocerebellar tract [DSCT]  ·  lateral corticosPINal tract [LCS]  ·  PINeal [PIN]  ·  PINeal gland [PIN]  ·  sPINal tract of trigeminal [SpTV]  ·  sPINal trigeminal nucleus [VSp]  ·  sPINal trigeminal nucleus caudal division [VSpC]  ·  sPINal trigeminal nucleus interpolar division [VSpI]  ·  sPINal trigeminal nucleus oral division [VSpO]  ·  suprasPINal nucleus [SSP]  ·  suprasPINal nucleus [SSp]  ·  suprasPINal nucleus [SSp]  ·  tectosPINal tract [TSp]  ·  ventral sPINocerebellar tract [VSC]  · 

Mus musculus
n Trigemini pars caudalis/sPINalis [TCd]  ·  n Trigemini sPINalis pars substantia gelatinosa [nSpVGel]  · 

Tyto alba
Dorsal horn of sPINal cord [DH]  ·  Ventral horn of sPINal cord [VH]  ·