Abbreviation | Term | Path | Used in |
VPL | ventral posterior lateral nucleus of thalamus | Die::Th::VPL | rodent, carnivore, primate |
VPM | ventral posterior medial nucleus of thalamus | Die::Th::VPM | rodent, carnivore, primate |
VR | ventral raphe | | rodent, carnivore, primate |
VSI | inferior vestibular nucleus | Me::VS::VSI | rodent, carnivore, primate |
VSL | lateral vestibular nucleus | Me::VS::VSL | rodent, carnivore, primate |
VSM | medial vestibular nucleus | Me::VS::VSM | rodent, carnivore, primate |
VSp | spinal trigeminal nucleus | | rodent, carnivore, primate |
VSS | superior vestibular nucleus | Me::VS::VSS | rodent, carnivore, primate |
VTA | ventral tegmental area | MB::VTA | rodent, carnivore, primate |
XII | hypoglossal nucleus | | rodent, carnivore, primate |
ZI | zona incerta | Die::VTh::ZI | rodent, carnivore, primate |
8 | cortical area 8 | Tel::Cx::8 | primate |
A | auditory cortical areas | Tel::Cx::A | rodent, carnivore, primate |
Cl | claustrum | Tel::Cl | rodent, carnivore, primate |
MP | premamillary nucleus | Die::Hy::MP | rodent |
MR | median raphe nucleus | | rodent, carnivore, primate |
MTS | middle temporal sulcus | Tel::Cx::MTS | primate |
PT | pretectum | MB::Tec::PT | rodent, carnivore, primate |
POA | preoptic area | Die::Hy::POA | rodent, carnivore, primate |
PyT | pyramidal tract | Me::PyT | rodent, carnivore, primate |
VIN | abducens nerve | Pons::VIN | rodent, carnivore, primate |
VIIN | facial nerve | Pons::VIIN | rodent, carnivore, primate |
VIIIN | auditory nerve | | rodent, carnivore, primate |
CP | cerebral peduncle | | rodent, carnivore, primate |
SB | subiculum | Tel::Cx::SB | rodent, carnivore, primate |
OFS | orbitofrontal sulcus | Tel::Cx::OFS | primate |
V | trigeminal nuclear complex | | rodent, carnivore, primate |
VMb | basal ventral medial nucleus of thalamus | Die::Th::VMb | rodent, carnivore, primate |
Tel | telencephalon | Tel | rodent, carnivore, primate |
Dien | Diencephalon | | rodent, carnivore, primate |
BS | brainstem | | rodent, carnivore, primate |
| Cell Groups | | rodent, carnivore, primate |
| Fiber Tracts | | rodent, carnivore, primate |
| Gyri and Sulci | | rodent, carnivore, primate |
| Ventricles | | rodent, carnivore, primate |
Mes | Mesencephalon | | rodent, carnivore, primate |
Met | Metencephalon | | rodent, carnivore, primate |
Myel | Myelencephalon | | rodent, carnivore, primate |
| Mesencephalon | | rodent, carnivore, primate |
| BrainMaps.v0 (primate) | | rodent, carnivore, primate |
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Records 241 to 280 of 435 |