Datasets DatasetSpeciesStain(abbrev)StainMethodPlaneAreaSourceSlidesDate addedResThick 0605 c auratus Giemsa + retinal projections histocoronalwhole-brain HJK 282008-01-180.4630 0602 c auratus Giemsa + retinal projections histohorizontalwhole-brain HJK 932008-01-100.4630 0601 c auratus Giemsa + retinal projections histosagittalwhole-brain HJK 1002007-08-100.4630 test c. elegans EM EM EMcoronalwhole-brain test 1902009-02-050.0005 001-cav33 callicebus Cav3.3 Calcium Channel, Voltage-Dependent, T Type, Alpha 1I Subunit immunocoronalwhole-brain EGJ 22006-12-070.4630 wfa callicebus WFA Wisteria Floribunda Agglutinin histocoronalwhole-brain EGJ 102006-12-040.4630 kchip2 callicebus KChIP2b Potassium Voltage-Gated Channel-Interacting Protein 2b immunocoronalwhole-brain EGJ 72006-11-300.4630 Kv2.1 callicebus Kv2.1 Potassium Voltage-Gated Channel, 2.1 immunocoronalwhole-brain EGJ 52006-11-290.4630 kchip1 callicebus KChIP1 Potassium Voltage-Gated Channel-Interacting Protein 1 immunocoronalwhole-brain EGJ 32006-11-290.4630 KvB2 callicebus Kvbeta2 Potassium Voltage-Gated Channel, Beta 2 immunocoronalwhole-brain EGJ 12006-11-290.4630 001-nissl callicebus Nissl histocoronalwhole-brain EGJ 22007-08-060.4630 Plate 2: Conspectus lateralis canis lupus none histomultiplewhole-brain Singer/Leedle 12017-09-210 Plate 1: Conspectus dorsalis canis lupus none histomultiplewhole-brain Singer/Leedle 12017-09-210 001-luxol canis lupus Luxol Fast Blue histocoronalwhole-brain TFF 242006-11-160.4640 Plate 3: Conspectus ventralis canis lupus none histomultiplewhole-brain Singer/Leedle 12017-09-210 Plate 4: Conspectus medialis I canis lupus none histomultiplewhole-brain Singer/Leedle 12017-09-210 Plate 5: Conspectus medialis II canis lupus none histomultiplewhole-brain Singer/Leedle 12017-09-210 Singer traverse canis lupus iron-hematoxylin method of Loyez histocoronalwhole-brain Singer/Leedle 492017-09-28035 Singer horizontal canis lupus iron-hematoxylin method of Loyez histohorizontalwhole-brain Singer/Leedle 282017-09-28035 Singer sagittal canis lupus iron-hematoxylin method of Loyez histosagittalwhole-brain Singer/Leedle 422017-09-28035 mb-nissl chlorocebus aethiops Nissl histocoronalwhole-brain MB 702009-01-070.4630 AGM1 chlorocebus aethiops Nissl histocoronalwhole-brain NSA 7402006-04-150.4640 ALS-3 chlorocebus aethiops Perls DAB Iron & Perls DAB histocoronalwhole-brain NSA 532008-10-150.4640 HC13-sag felis catus Nissl histosagittalwhole-brain EGJ 592006-01-010.4640 HC13-hor felis catus Nissl histohorizontalwhole-brain EGJ 42006-01-010.4640 BS-sag felis catus Nissl histosagittalbrainstem EGJ 252006-03-283.7240 BS-hor felis catus Nissl histohorizontalbrainstem EGJ 252006-03-284.1140 BS-cor felis catus Nissl histocoronalbrainstem EGJ 292006-03-283.7440 TaBT-hor felis catus Nissl histohorizontalwhole-brain EGJ 102006-03-284.1040 TaBT-cor felis catus Nissl histocoronalwhole-brain EGJ 212006-03-283.7140 HC13-cor felis catus Nissl histocoronalwhole-brain EGJ 132006-01-010.4640 TaBT-sag felis catus Nissl histosagittalwhole-brain EGJ 172006-03-283.7240 0421-giemsa gallus gallus Giemsa + retinal projections histohorizontalwhole-brain HJK 792007-09-210.4630 CB0214-giemsa gallus gallus Giemsa + retinal projections histosagittalwhole-brain HJK 1022007-08-090.4630 0213-giemsa gallus gallus Giemsa + retinal projections histocoronalwhole-brain HJK 1122007-11-260.4640 H11-H1 homo sapiens Nissl histohorizontalthalamus EGJ 112006-01-010.4640 cor-1-co homo sapiens CO Cytochrome Oxidase histocoronalthalamus EGJ 32006-07-210.4630 hs-cor-1-ache homo sapiens AChE Acetyl Cholinesterase histocoronalthalamus EGJ 32006-07-210.4630 MRI-H homo sapiens MRI T1horizontal,coronalwhole-brain SM 262006-01-01860860 VisibleMale homo sapiens Blockface cryohorizontalwhole-body NLM 2372006-09-202501000 Page: 1 2 3 4 Records 1 to 40 of 153